We know how difficult it is to find accurate information about Cuba.
If you haven’t been yet, the information available online is often outdated and false.
Even if you have visited Cuba before, the way things work changes from year to year, and information that is relevant today may not be useful in a few months.
This is why it’s important to have people who are up-to-date and aware of these changes. At Cuba Senses, our aim is to ensure that your visit is as enjoyable as possible while also keeping you informed to create sustainable tourism that benefits everyone involved.
We offer a free 30-minute virtual session to:
  • Tell us all your needs and preferences to create your dream tour which will also help local people.
  • Help you find your flight.
  • Answer all your questions about travelling to Cuba.

Select the day and time that best suits you.

You will get a confirmation email.

Through that mail you may change the day or cancel the session. 

The day before the virtual consultation, we will send you an email with a link. 

We are delighted to be of help to you!
